31 October 2024
1. Presentations: ABRI Member Perth Event - 23 October
Thanks to ABRI member Johnson Winter Slattery (JWS) for sponsoring another successful (and oversubscribed) session. This time in Perth - great to catch up with so many ABRI Western Australia members at the event.
Thirty four members, mining and research sector stakeholders come together to connect and discuss industry developments/priorities. For the mining sector, battery end of life management is a key focus as work is underway to manage the flow on impacts of decarbonisation (i.e. how to repurpose and recycle batteries installed to support the net zero transition).
Presentations from the session are available and cover
Latest developments in the battery recycling market
Investment / project funding and structures
Greenwashing and making statements about environmental performance
ABRI is working with Michele Laidlaw, JWS Partner, who’s specialisation includes consumer law, to provide an online session on Greenwashing and makeing statements about environmental performance. Further details on this session will be provided when they become available.
2. Black mass and alkaline batteries to be captured by EU hazardous waste export bans
ABRI members will be interested to know that the European Union is consulting on proposed new classifications for battery hazardous waste. This will capture both black mass and alkaline batteries and new battery chemistries especially lithium-based and nickel-based. Consistent with Basel convention requirements, this will prioritise processing of these materials within the European Union. Products can be exported to OECD countries subjet to approval.
Critical minerals and supply chain security is also a key driver of this initiative. ABRI will be watching with interest to see which other jurisdictions also start reclassifying battery waste in line with global hazardous waste and other definitions.
3. ABRI Dangerous Goods Working Group
ABRI is establishing a working group to:
Advocate on proposed changes to the Australian Dangerous Goods Code to ensure that existing special provisions and proposed changes align with safe, sustainable and pragmatic industry outcomes (submissions due 10 December, with target commencement October 2026). The National Transport Commission’s presentation on the Code revamp provides a useful overview of the structural changes to the Code but unfortunately doesn’t go into detail on the implications for the battery value chain.
Discuss proposed international changes to lithium battery classification and packaging instructions for discussion by the international Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (25 November to 3 December). Australia is represented on this Sub-Committee by the Cwlth Department of Infrastructure.
Consider development of an ABRI Storage and Transport Guideline for Used Lithium Batteries
If you would like to join this working group, please contact ABRI CEO, Katharine Hole, on email secretariat@batteryrecycling.org.au or ring 0488 216 750.
The first meeting is online, 2-3pm Wednesday 6 November.
4. Grid scale PV/battery storage projects - draft recycling information sheet to assist renewable energy infrastructure investors
ABRI and the Circular PV Alliance (CPVA) receive requests from renewable energy infrastructure investors seeking information on how to build battery and PV reuse and recycling into projects from inception.
To assist investors and developers, ABRI is working with Circular PV Alliance to develop an information sheet to asist project proponents start their battery and PV end of life management journey. The draft information sheet is designed as a short, starting point for project proponents to start discussions with OEMs and PV/battery recyclers on building in end of life management to a renewable project.
ABRI invites interested members to provide feedback on the draft by 22 November.
5. ABRI Member Events
November (date TBC), online - JWS Presentation Greenwashing and making statements about environmental and sustainability performance
3 November - ABRI Dangerous Goods Working Group first meeting
TBC 17 July 2025 - 2025 Australian Battery Recycling & Manufacturing Summit
6. Guidelines - traceability and lead acid batteries
Cwlth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Step-by-step implementation guide for recycled content traceability
Basel Convention, updated DRAFT Technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of lead acid batteries
7. ABRI - Building the industry’s voice
1 November - NSW EPA Circular Economy Summit
ABRI Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry Opportunities in the circular economy