23 August 2024
1. 2024 Australian Battery Summit - Battery circular economy – a clean energy growth opportunity for Australia
The sell out and successful 2024 Australian Battery Recycling & Manufacturing Summit provided a platform to showcase leadership in innovation and set a framework for industry growth.
Presentations and panel discussions identified priorities including:
Recycling of critical minerals needs dedicated government funding and investment support so that Australian technology can compete in global markets
Urgent work required to address fire risks through standards, insurance products and research
Industry and businesses need to build their narrative around the role they play and how they deliver a circular economy
Collaboration with government and other industry sectors is critical to address weaknesses in the battery circular economy chain. This should include focus on reverse logistics from the consumer, automotive and energy storage sectors.
Regulatory clarity and removing roadblocks
Preparing for circular economy policy interventions including expectations of mandatory producer responsibility and recycled content requirements drawing on what’s happening in Europe and US
How to deliver a balance between ESG accountability and minimising administrative burden
Design standards to enable recycling and recovery
Key stats:
Over 120 registered attendees in person and online
Representatives from five governments – Commonwealth, New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia, and Victoria
International attendees representing companies across the battery value chain from China, Europe, Indonesia, Taiwan and USA
Strong attendance from the automotive sector both OEMs and industry associations
Planning is already underway for 2025. Please provide feedback on what’s worked well and where ABRI can improve as well as suggestions on content/speakers, format and sponsorship.
Presentations should be available in the next week.
2. Improving lithium ion battery safety management - presentation and Q&A session (2pm, 2 Sept)
ABRI is running a presentation session with an operational focus on Improving lithium ion battery safety management - gaps in current framework and prioritising improvements.
Join us in Sydney CBD (Rydges, Sydney Central) from 2-4pm on Monday 2 September for a practical discussion on lithium battery safety management:
Presentation - Frank Mendham, Director, Mendham Consultants
Panel discussion with
Andrew Battye, Manager Dangerous Goods & Explosives, SafeWork NSW
Asela Attapatu, Director, Circular Economy Policy, NSW EPA
If you are interested in attending, please email. Non-ABRI members are most welcome. However, there will be a charge for non-ABRI members.
3. Perth: hold the date - information and networking session on 23 October
ABRI member Johnson Winter Slattery (JWS) will host an information and networking session for in Perth from 4-6pm on 23 October.
Further details including an agenda will be forthcoming.
This event will be similar to the highly successful Melbourne event where presentations covered:
Opportunities and Challenges to grow investment in the emerging battery circular economy technology sector in battery transport containers, robotics, de-energisation and hydromet
Misalignment between waste regulation and circular economy goals
Funding opportunities and corporate structures to support the emerging battery circular economy technology sector
JWS has one of Australia’s largest energy, resources and infrastructure practices and was the Best Lawyers Energy Law firm of the year 2023. Their team advises on all aspects of large and complex clean energy projects in Australia, including the world’s first large scale grid-connected battery.
Reminder JWS ‘hotline’ for ABRI members
A ‘hotline’ is available to members to seek help and guidance on approaches/pathways for obtaining formal legal advice for issues within Australia. ABRI members using the JWS ‘hotline’ service will do so under these arrangements:
Requests to use the hotline must be emailed to Richard Graham, Partner, and include a brief outline of the issue. This will allow JWS to identify which solicitor has the best expertise to assist.
Hotline service calls will be around 15 to 30 minutes in length and will be on Microsoft teams.
The service is information only and not a legal advice service. Members seeking formal legal advice will need to request written advice as a follow-up to the hotline service and for which there will be a fee (although there is no obligation to use JWS for this advice). Follow up emails from a hotline call will also not be considered formal legal advice.
There is no charge for using the hotline. However, the service will be reviewed by JWS and the ABRI Executive Committee on a regular basis to ensure that usage is within the operating framework and remains within ABRI’s budget for the retainer. If ABRI member service use of the retainer arrangement looks like exceeding ABRI’s budget, then ABRI will discuss with members and JWS options for restructuring.
4. National Transport Research Organisation (NTRO) - certification process for NiMH battery reuse (remanufacture)
The NTRO has undertaken a proof of concept certification process for reuse (remanufacture) of NiMH batteries
NTRO has issued ABRI Member, Infinitev, with a NTRO Certificate valid for 3 years, which includes terms and conditions regarding:
on-going (post-certificate) checks/auditing
re-assessment in the event of any significant changes to the original process and/or NTRO becoming aware, or being notified, of end-user dissatisfaction or emerging technical issues.
A Process Evaluation Panel conducted an independent assessment against a technical and evaluation framework. This included a desk-top consideration of Infinitev’s submission, which comprised an application form; stated process and performance claims; and supporting technical and process documentation. A premises audit was also conducted.
There are three technical parts of the Framework:
Part A – core principles in the re-use (remanufacturing) of EVHV batteries
Part B – specific technical requirements in the re-use manufacture of HBEV NiMH batteries
Part C – commercial process provider ‘Code of Conduct’
NTRO is confident that the underlying approach and methodology could also be adopted more widely, i.e. across the 3Rs (re-use, reprocessing and recycling) of vehicular (traction) batteries and potentially applied to other battery chemistry uses and types.
For further information please contact Paul Hillier at NTRO or Dickson Leow at Infinitev.
5. ABRI - Building the industry’s voice
22 August - media release- Battery circular economy – a clean energy growth opportunity for Australia
3 September - ABRI CEO, Katharine Hole presentation Battery Recycling Industry in Australia, Engineers Australia, Adelaide and online, event details. Engineers Australia indicates over 400 registered attendees