13 June 2024
1. What are your priorities for industry growth and solving the challenges of battery fires in landfill?
The urgent need for solutions to stop fires in waste facilities is driving discussion around what levers should be implemented to divert batteries and products with embedded batteries from landfill. It’s also likely to be a key item for discussion at the upcoming Environment Ministers meeting on 21 June as Queensland reports back on its end of life battery management work.
The batteries reportedly causing the most issues are small loose batteries, products with embedded batteries, small mobility devices (e.g. e-bike batteries) and portable energy devices.
This is a subset of a broader policy discussion about how to develop a battery circular economy for all applications including energy storage and EVs.
ABRI would like to hear from members about your policy priorities for developing a sustainable (including financial) battery recycling sector, turbocharging the industry and addressing critical challenges including stopping fires in the waste sector.
As businesses leading the way in the battery circular economy, ABRI asks you to share your views by completing this survey to inform advocacy:
to divert batteries from landfill
support the expansion of a safe and sustainable battery recycling industry so that it’s ready to meet the opportunities provided by electrification
The information from this survey, discussions at ABRI’s conference and interviews with members will be used to develop a policy paper for release in August and inform Environment Ministers and agencies in ongoing discussions about industry priorities. ABRI CEO, Katharine Hole, will reach out to members to discuss their priorities and develop the policy paper.
2. Battery reuse, repurposing and recycling research
ABRI is working with the Australian Battery Society to showcase the breadth of work across the Australian research sector for battery reuse, repurposing and recycling.
There’s a lot going on and a first draft of the Australia battery recycling research landscape is available. We’re sure this is not a complete picture and would welcome comments and feedback. This will help build the industry’s profile and support advocacy for funding commericalisation. Please email comments to secretariat@batteryrecycling.org.au.
3. Welcome to new ABRI Member - ATA Scientific
ABRI is pleased to welcome ATA Scientific as an affiliate member. As the move to a battery circular economy accelerates and Australia has the opportunity to play a leading role in the Asia Pacific, ATA Scientific reflects a growing list of Australian companies committed to this journey and operating across the battery value chain. Their goal is to add value to the entire Australian battery ecosystem to help in-country processing of battery components, instead of simply digging dirt out of the ground and exporting to overseas markets.
ATA Scientific specialises in the latest analytical tools that span the entire battery development and manufacturing value chain, from discovery and optimisation of precursor and electrode materials production, analysis of electrode coatings, to cell manufacturing and recycling. They represent a number of international leading manufacturers of analytical technologies including KRUSS Scientific, Malvern Panalytical, Phenom (Thermo Scientific) and Micromeritics.
Further information is available on the ATA Scienitifc website.
4. Steven Marshall, Lithium Australia, joins ABRI’s Executive Committee
Steven Marshall, GM Recycling, Lithium Australia has been appointed to ABRI’s Executive Committee. Steve is a Mechanical Engineer who has significant experience in the resource recovery sector including with Veolia. He has participated in many industry associations on working groups or state committee's, and was a Director of the Australian Organics Recycling Association for three years. ABRI looks forward to drawing on Steven’s experience working with industry associations to grow ABRI’s membership and deepen service offerings for members.
Steven is filling the position the vacated by Ben Pritchard who is focusing on his Director position with the Battery Stewardship Council as well as his work with Envirostream. ABRI thanks Ben Pritchard for his significant contribution the ABRI Executive Committee since 2018.
5. ABRI Member Events
25 Jun 1-2pm Online – IM-Group presentation Certification Framework and Processes for EV/Hybrid Batteries Register
UPDATE - 15 Aug Sydney – 2024 ABRI Battery Recycling & Manufacturing Summit. Tickets are now available. The ABRI Executive Committee has reduced ABRI member ticket prices by 20% from 2023 ticket prices as a value add for ABRI membership. Early bird finishes Friday 14 June. Purchase tickets.
2 Sept - Sydney - Workshop on lithium battery storage
Late October - Perth - Networking event and information session
5. ABRI media, submissions and stakeholder engagement
5 July - ABRI represents industry on the Qld Department of Environment, Science and Innovation Management of End of Life Batteries Stakeholder Reference Group
23 July - ABRI presentation to over 200 TAFE Queensland trainers on the battery circular economy